Crowds Followed, Jesus Welcomed

Many people watched Jesus and His disciples sail away and they had heard that Jesus was sailing to Bethsaida. Others watched the boat from a distance and they recognized Jesus. They had seen Him heal the sick and they saw the healings as a sign of His authority. All the people followed the boat, running on foot along the shore. And the news reached the nearby towns and they also came out and followed the crowd. 

When Jesus stepped ashore,  He saw a large crowd of people. And He had compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And as more people arrived, Jesus welcomed them. He healed those who were sick. 

Then Jesus went up on the mountain and sat down with His disciples. He spoke to the people about the kingdom of God. And He taught them many things. Now the Jewish Feast of the Passover was near.

See Matthew 14:13-14; Mark 6:33-34; Luke 9:11; John 6:2-4



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