The Practice of the Presence of God (1906 edition, for Kindle and Kindle Apps)

This just out, "The Practice of the Presence of God," 1906 edition, optimized for the Kindle and Kindle apps! After being wounded in the Thirty Years’ War and then serving for a time as a valet, Nicholas Herman from the region of Lorraine joined the Discalced Carmelite Prior in Paris. There he became a lay brother known as “Lawrence of the Resurrection,” working humbly and faithfully for over fifty years. His manner of profound peace caused many to approach him seeking spiritual guidance for their own lives. What we know of his advice to them is recorded in this collection of four conversations and sixteen letters. The work has become well-known in the Christian faith and is a highly-recommended read. Based on the 1906 edition of the work, this book features - an additional letter of Brother Lawrence (for a total of sixteen) - an excerpt from the original 1692 edition preface. These additions, combined with the interactive Table of Contents and Endnotes, make this e...