Monday, Fruitless

The next morning, as Jesus and His disciples were traveling from Bethany back to Jerusalem, Jesus was hungry. And down the road, in the distance, He saw a fig tree in leaf. Now, Jesus knew it was not yet the season for figs. But Jesus also knew that if a fig tree had leaves, it should also have figs. So, Jesus went to see if there was any fruit on the tree. When He reached the fig tree, Jesus found that there was nothing on the tree but leaves. In response, Jesus said, “May you never bear fruit again! May no one eat of your fruit again.” His disciples heard Him say this.

See Matthew 21:18-19a; Mark 11:12-14


Israel as a fig tree: In the Old Testament, the fig tree often stood as a symbol for the nation of Israel (Jeremiah 8:13; Hosea 9:10). And the image of Israelites sitting under their own fig tree was a symbol of peace and prosperity (1 Kings 4:25; Micah 4:4; Zechariah 3:10). Israel’s spiritual health was represented in the metaphor of a plant bearing fruit (Isaiah 27:6). And the loss of God's favor was represented by a plant that was barren of fruit (Hosea 9:16) and by rotting fruit (Jeremiah 29:17).


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