Luke 1:13 — Faithful Trust

But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will give him the name John.
—Luke 1:13 NASB

Trust can be difficult to maintain. Trust affirms that we believe when we have no evidence to do so. Trust demonstrates that we believe that God is in charge and will do what He has promised.

Zacharias was old. He had served in the temple all of his life, giving God his all. Zacharias and Elizabeth had no children. But even then, Zacharias still hoped that God would so bless him.

Zacharias then received his answer. He would have a son and name him John. This was a child of significance. God had special plan for this child, and that made an old man very glad.

When we trust, we become partners with God. We are never through trusting. The older our trust, the greater is our confidence.

Consider the image of a leathery old man holding a newborn baby. A child of purpose held in the arms of faithful trust. What a great reminder that God honors trust.

Do you want something from God? Are you tired from asking Him? Are you losing hope, thinking that God has forgotten you? Remember Zacharias. Do not despair. Trust.

Say this prayer:

O Father, I do at times lose heart and lose hope. Please forgive me. Today I reaffirm my trust in You. You are faithful in Your promises. Help me to be faithful in my trust. Thank You, Father. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.



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