Trusting in God’s Love
The following is part 4 of “Love that Binds”:
We love because He first loved us.
—1 John 4:19
The Source of Our Love
Loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind begins with trusting in His love for us. The Bible is clear: our ability to love comes directly from God’s love. Before we ever thought to seek Him, God sought us. Before we could respond to Him, He lavished His love on us.
The love of God is not conditional, fleeting, or limited. It is steadfast, eternal, and boundless. Romans 8:38-39 reassures us that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. This truth is the foundation of our faith and the wellspring of our love for Him.
Why Trusting God’s Love Matters
To love God fully, we must first believe in His unwavering love for us. Trusting His love means embracing the truth that He values, cares for, and delights in us—not because of anything we have done, but because of who He is.
When we doubt God’s love, we may struggle to fully surrender to Him or feel unworthy of His grace. Trusting in His love gives us the confidence to draw near to Him, knowing that we are deeply cherished.
God’s love is also a refuge in difficult times. When life feels uncertain or overwhelming, His love provides security and hope. As Psalm 136 repeats in every verse, “His love endures forever.”
The Cross: A Testament of Love
The ultimate demonstration of God’s love is found in the cross of Jesus Christ. Romans 5:8 declares, “But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
The cross is a powerful reminder that God’s love is not based on our performance or merit. It is a gift freely given, revealing the depths of His grace and compassion. Reflecting on the sacrifice of Jesus strengthens our trust in God’s love and inspires us to love Him in return.
Living in God’s Love
Trusting in God’s love transforms the way we live. It frees us from fear (1 John 4:18), gives us peace (Philippians 4:7), and fills us with joy (Psalm 16:11). When we trust in His love, we are empowered to love Him wholeheartedly and to reflect His love to others.
Living in God’s love also involves remembering and celebrating His faithfulness. By keeping track of answered prayers, moments of grace, and blessings in our lives, we build a deeper trust in His enduring love.
Reflection Questions
1. Do you trust fully in God’s love for you? Why or why not?
2. How does the cross deepen your understanding of God’s love?
3. What specific moments in your life remind you of God’s faithfulness and care?
Loving Father,
Thank You for loving me first and for demonstrating Your love so clearly
through Jesus Christ. Help me to trust fully in Your love, even when I feel
unworthy or unsure. Remind me of Your faithfulness and guide me to live in the
freedom and joy that comes from being loved by You.
I pray in the name of Jesus, Your Son. Amen.
Suggested Activities
1. Reflect on the Cross: Spend time meditating on Romans 5:8 or another verse about the cross. Write down what God’s sacrifice means to you personally.
2. Create a Love Reminder: Write or display a verse about God’s love in a place where you will see it daily. Let it remind you of His care.
3. Start a Gratitude Jar: Write down instances of God’s faithfulness and blessings on small slips of paper. Add them to a jar and revisit them in moments of doubt.
4. Musical
Movement Activity: Choose a hymn or worship song about God’s love, such as
“Jesus Loves Me,” and sing it while moving joyfully to express your gratitude
for His love.
Bible Passage for Meditation
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
—Romans 8:38-39
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