Lamentations 3:10 – He is Waiting to Pounce

Lamentations 3:10 - He is to me like a bear lying in wait, Like a lion in secret places. (NASB)

The above verse continues the thoughts begun in Lamentations 3:1, in which the speaker expresses his experience of being disciplined by God.

Break it down: Let’s look at the key Hebrew words in the passage and their meanings.

dob - a bear
arab - to lie in wait, to ambush
hu or hi - he, she, it, this
ari - a lion
mistar - a secret place, a hiding place

Expand and Dig: Let’s use these meanings to expand the passage and dig deeper.

He is to me as a bear lying in wait to ambush me. He is like a lion that is hidden and waiting.


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