Lamentations 3:4 – He Has Broken Me

Lamentations 3:4 - He has caused my flesh and my skin to waste away, He has broken my bones. (NASB)

The above verse continues the thoughts begun in Lamentations 3:1, in which the speaker expresses his experience of being disciplined by God.

Break it down: Let’s look at the key Hebrew words in the passage and their meanings.

balah - to become old, to wear out
basar - flesh
or - a skin
shabar - to break, to break in pieces
etsem - bone, substance, self

Expand and Dig: Let’s use these meanings to expand the passage and dig deeper.

He has made me old and has worn me out. He is wasting away my flesh and my skin. He has broken me--my bones, my substance, my self.


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