Samaritan Refusal

Jesus and His disciples were traveling from Galilee to Jerusalem and they were passing through Samaria. Jesus sent messengers ahead, who went into a Samaritan village to make arrangements for Jesus and His disciples to stay there. But the people in the village refused to welcome Jesus, because He was heading for Jerusalem.

When Jesus and His disciples learned the reaction of the villagers, there was a commotion from disciples James and John, the brothers whom Jesus called the Sons of Thunder. “Lord,” they asked Jesus, “do You want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?” 

But Jesus turned to James and John and rebuked them. And Jesus and His disciples went on to another village. 

See Luke 9:52‭-‬56

Notes: "He was heading to Jerusalem": While the cause of the villagers' resentment is uncertain, it may have been the reminder that Jews worshipped at their temple in Jerusalem, while Samaritans worshipped at their temple on Mount Gerizim.



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