
Jesus and His disciples stayed in Sychar of Samaria for two days. Then they left and completed their journey to Galilee.

Now, Jesus Himself had testified that a prophet had no honor in his own hometown. Yet when He arrived in Galilee, the people welcomed Him. They had seen all the great things He had done in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, for they had gone up to the Feast as well.

About this time, Jesus learned that John had been put into prison. And so, Jesus stayed in the region of Galilee.

Jesus was filled with the Spirit, and the news about Him spread throughout the region surrounding Galilee. Jesus taught in the synagogues and was glorified by everyone.

Jesus proclaimed the gospel of God. “The time is fulfilled,” He said, “and the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the gospel!”

(See Matthew 4:12; Mark 1:14-15: Luke 4:14-15; John 4:43-45)

(Editor's Note: The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke state that Jesus withdrew to Galilee after news of John's arrest. But the Gospel of John states that Jesus went to Galilee for a different reason. The above recounting of events is a merging of the accounts of the four Gospels.)



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