‭1 Samuel 17:37‬ (a Devotional Reflection)

‭1 Samuel 17:37‬
David added, “The Lord, who delivered me from the claws of the lion and the bear, will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” “Go,” said Saul, “and may the Lord be with you.”

Heavenly Father,

I am in awe of Your greatness and power. As David declared to King Saul his unwavering faith in You, I, too, declare my trust in Your mighty deliverance.

Lord God, I acknowledge that You are my protector and defender. Just as You guided and empowered David to defeat Goliath, I ask for Your strength to face the giants in my life. Help me to remember that no challenge is too great when I walk in faith and obedience to You.

Fill me with the courage and boldness that comes from knowing You are with me. Remind me that the same God who delivered David is my God, unchanging and ever-present. When fear and doubt threaten to overwhelm me, let me cling to the promises of Your Word, knowing that You are my refuge and fortress.

I surrender my battles to You, Lord God, and trust in Your perfect timing and plan. Thank You for being my faithful deliverer. May Your name be glorified in all I do.

I pray in the name of Jesus, Your Son. Amen.

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