Philippians 1:2 / Ephesians 1:2 (a Devotional Reflection)

Philippians 1:2 / Ephesians 1:2
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Gracious God, 

I come with a heart uplifted in thanksgiving for the fellowship I share with others in the gospel of Your Son, Jesus. I thank You for the love that binds me to other brothers and sisters in Christ, and for the grace that sustains me day by day.

Bless me with an abundance of Your peace, mercy, and grace. May Your Spirit dwell richly within me, enabling me to abound in love for  all people, bearing witness to the hope that is found in Jesus Christ alone.

I pray in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

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